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BBasket Torrejón


We continue to celebrate after the last FBM weekend

Prensa TBS -

, Basket Torrejón

#LaCronica has arrived with the action from Torrejón Basketball Academy, after this weekend of February 22nd and 23rd:

First Year Girls Benjamín continues to improve with each passing game, and in a game not suitable for the faint of heart, they almost beat Santa María del Pilar (11-16). We are very happy to see you grow, girls! The highlights on our social channels. This March 8th at 4:45 p.m. we will go to the Virgen de Atocha school to face these rivals.

Second Year Girls Benjamín could not extend the winning streak, falling (65-17) against Real Canoe, at the Pez Volador. This March 8 we will play again, at the Javi Limones at 12:30 p.m. against Fundal Alcobendas B.

First Year Boys Alevín did not have it despite having additional rest, and at home we lose the game (40-46) against Parla Básquet. We equalled our record of 8-5 with this rival, in third place in the league. We will go to the La Luz Pavilion on March 8 to play against Tres Cantos B, at 09:00.

The First Year Girls Alevinhave won again, this time (21-70) against Pureza de María, in their pavilion. Great work by the girls, who are up to 13-0 in the league. Next date? This March 8 at the Javi Limones at 10:45, against Valdeluz.

The Second Year Boys Alevin Blancos fell again this February 22 (81-31) against A.P.A Cabrini in their school pavilion. A tough rival, who has a 13-1 record. We are now 6-8, in fifth position in the table. It will be this March 8th at 2:30 pm at Javi Limones, when we will host Ensanche de Vallecas B.

The Second Year Boys Alevin Torrejón team of David Sanz Junior has had the game of the day against a surprising Virgen de Atocha team, who fought (74-74) until tying it. Two baskets in the last minute have been the decisive factor. We are still in first place, with a record of 13-1, while this rival is third with 10-4. This March 8th we will go to the Mario Vargas Llosa pavilion, at 11:15 am and against C.B Las Rozas A.

The Second Year Girls Alevin could not do it this time, the undefeated team falls! It was not the morning (77-69) against Arcángel Rafael on their court and Nerea Sánchez-led team finds the first setback of the season, right, against our escorts who are now one game away (14-1, and 13-2) in the group. This March 8th, C.B Navalcarnero will be playing at Javi Limones, at 2:15 p.m.

Infantil Preferente Femenino First Year team got stuck and lost momentum with their last victory (33-45) against Baloncesto 86 La Salle, at home. The 8-9 March match will be a rest day for the girls, so they will have to take advantage of both weekends of rest.

Infantil Preferente Femenino has been able to grow and achieve it this time (49-52) against Basket Aranjuez, after their defeat by -2 the last match day. Congratulations to the team of Daniel Ríos and Osvaldo Deocares. 10-6 record in fifth place in the table. The girls will be at Javi Limones this March 8th against Femenino Alcorcón B, at 2:15 p.m.

The Infantil Primer Año team sets the league at its own pace, and remains undefeated: the opponent was Villa de Leganés (16-66) on the road and we found victory number fourteen. The next match awaits the team, at the Nuria Fernández on March 8 at 10:45, against Alameda de Osuna Blanco.

The Infantil Preferente Azul team lost (70-19) against San Agustín Negrales in their stadium. Let us hope that in the next match will go well, which will be this March 8 at 09:00, against U.B Torabasket in the Nuria Fernández.

Infantil B remains undefeated. New positive record (42-78) against Villa de Algete, this February 22 in their stadium. This group rides without restraint, and now sets the pace with its 16-0 in the league, impressive. Movistar Estudiantes C, the next challenge that lies ahead, on March 8 at 16:00 in the Nuria Fernández.

The Infantil A team could not continue with the victories, (96-59) losing widely to Lions Basket Arroyomolinos in their pavilion. We tied at 4-3, with this rival in third place in the table. This March 2nd we will go against C.B Villa de Valdemoro in the Javi Limones, at 1:00 p.m.

Cadete Preferente Femenino with another enormous performance (36-58) against Alameda de Osuna this February 22nd, in their pavilion. With this, we go up to 11-5 and to fifth place in the classification table. We will go against Agustiniano this March 8th in the Javi Limones, at 9:00 a.m.

Cadete 2010 Blanco this time could not against (85-23) Escuela Barrio del Pilar, in their pavilion. It was already complex to face the second in the table, in addition to visitors. We have a 3-13 record, and we have to look forward to March 8th when at 12:30 we will face Halcones Arroyofresno B, at the Nuria Fernández.

Cadete Primer Año tried but could not (77-59) against Patrocinio San José, during the morning of last Saturday. 2-11 is our record, and we hope that in the next match on March 8th at the Nuria Fernández against C.B Pozuelo Amarillo, and this will be played at 19:30.

Cadete Preferente competed well at the Javi Limones against Colmenar Viejo A (42-60) but it was not enough. It is a shame for Tomás Morales-led boys, although they are finding positive feelings in these games. Highlights on social feeds. We hope to get out of the lower part of the table when we go to play against San Agustín del Guadalix on March 8 at 09:00.

Cadete B played a great game again this time, but Uros de Rivas A (56-60) escapes us at the Nuria Fernández on February 23. We fall to a general record of 3-14 in the league, and we hope that on March 2 at 19:45 we find the way back to victory when we go to Enrique Blas in Collado Villalba, against Baloncesto Villalba.

Cadete A has not found the formula and has fallen again against Zentro Basket Futures this February 23 at home (93-103), a rival that has beaten us in the first leg. 1-6 in the phase for Agustín Sánchez-led team, who hope to get out of this rut ​​when we go to San Blas on March 1, against Distrito Olímpico A at 1:00 p.m.

Junior Preferente Azul, bravo! They have beaten Baloncesto San Fernando in their pavilion (36-56), proving that it is possible. José Ginés-led team is now 3-1 in this phase. March 8 is the date, at 2:15 p.m. at Nuria Fernández, and we will play against Villanueva de La Cañada.

Junior Preferente Blanco has not managed to add points again and sees its positive moment cut short (50-44) against Salesianos Soto Piratas this February 22 in Soto Del Real, which is a rival from the upper zone. We now have a 6-12 record and it will be time to wait until March 9, when at 18:30 we play at Nuria Fernández against Madrid F.S.M C.B.

Junior B has been defeated again, this time (88-76) against Gigantes Pablo Laso on February 23. In this phase, we have not been lucky in the final stages and now we are 1-6 in record. On March 2 we will be back on the court, at 11:15 at Javi Limones when we face C.B Ciudad de Móstoles.

Junior A has had double action in the past week: First, a defeat on the road (82-74) although fighting until the end against Zentro Basket Futures. Then, a painful one at home Baloncesto Fuenlabrada on February 23 (63-75) where our offense has not flowed much. The Colo Zuttion-led team now has a 7-10 overall record, and will visit Juan de Austria A on March 2 at 1:00 p.m.

The U-22 Bronze team had another great game, and they are on a roll: at the Nuria Fernández we faced Colegio Estudiantes Las Tablas (78-73) and we beat them, a rival above us. Now the Miggy Álvarez-led team is fourth with a 7-5 record. It is Valdemojado C.F. turn this March 9, at 10:00 a.m. in their Adolfo Suárez pavilion.

The U-22 Silver team has once again achieved a key result (77-51) against Cabrini A.P.A, at the Nuria Fernández. We continue to win. We rise to 12-3, in second place in the table. On March 2-3 we will be on rest, so we will combine weekend days of rest.

The U-22 Gold team had another painful defeat in the last few games (67-71) against C.B Getafe A on February 23, who managed to turn it around at the Javi Limones. We have to stop this streak of two defeats, when the Nacho Gallego-led team will go to La Canaleja on March 2 at 11:30 to face Alcorcón Basket A, a rival who is equal to us at the top with a record of 14-3.

In the Second Autonomous, Torrejón Spartans has had another difficult duel but this time fortune is not on their side (62-47) A.D.C Boadilla A at the Ángel Nieto, on February 23. The Tomás Morales-led team is sixth now, with 9-7 in the table. Menesiano is the next rival, at the Javi Limones on March 2 at 09:30.

And to finish #LaCrónica, the Senior National TBS team does not want to let go of the top spot in the VIPS League. It was a (good) victory against Arganzuela Centro on February 22 at home (113-71), with an offensive performance to remember by Rubén Escanciano: 39 points, 8 triples, in an explosion of madness like few times can be remembered. The veteran shooter is really sharp! We are leaders in the Primera Nacional, with 13-5 in the group, and C.D.V will be the next rival on March 1, at Polideportivo Palomeras at 7:30 p.m.