Jorge Herráiz: The main short-term goal is to try to return to a National VIPS Final Four
Jorge! You are the one chosen for the Interview of the Month, for the website, so it was time to have you after so long. So welcome, and now to get to know you more.
Hi thanks!
Where does Jorge story with basketball begin?
It started when he was 7 years old, and after doing other sports like swimming or judo, I did not want to do any more sports. I was forced by my parents who signed me up by their own decision, I cried the first day of training and left very happy, but I told them: "I only come to train, not to the games, I do not know how to play."
Have you been a player at Torrejón Basketball Academy for how long? For those who do not know you or have not seen you play on the court, how would you describe yourself as a player? Flaws, virtues?
I have been a Torrejón player for 9 seasons. I play shooting guard, it is what I know how to do best on the court, and I think defense is what I do the worst.
What do you do off the slopes and what hobbies do you have?
Well, I dedicate my free time to spending it with my friends, traveling a lot and disconnecting at home watching series.
What does Torrejón, the city, and the club mean to you?
Despite not being from Torrejón, I have great affection for this city because of the people I have met, the friends I have here, and the opportunity that the club gave me to be part of this academy.
Do you have future goals in basketball?
The main short-term goal is to try to return to a National VIPS Final Four and be able to experience it on the field.
You have been part of the Senior National for several seasons. There has been an important streak of victories in the last few games that invites us to dream. How do you analyze this season and what do you think is needed to reach the FBM final four and achieve promotion to Liga EBA?
I see great potential in the team we have. We are perfectly capable of reaching a Final Four, but we have to have that objective clear, we cannot lose concentration and discipline ahead of the games.
Personally, what do you envision for your role within the senior team? What does Jorge contribute?
In my opinion, what I contribute to the team is outside shooting and playing without the ball, although beyond what happens on the court, I think that generating a good atmosphere in the team inside and outside the locker room is something that I appreciate. I give a lot of importance and I always try to do so.
Academically where are you looking; Do you study at university and why? Or rather, are you already working?
I am not sure at all, I am currently working but next year I still have to decide where to go. I am not in a hurry to make decisions, I am quite patient and I do not want to rush too much.
Quick-hitters, something curious that many know or could imagine about you:
Something you think no one knows about you that you like to do:
I love animals, I am always watching or learning about that area.
Something you hate/do not tolerate in life:
I hate people who criticize or judge without knowing.
A TBS friend, a TBS coach who has marked you, and a basketball idol in general:
A friend in TBS: It is quite difficult to choose, but among the active players, Roberto Donaire, without a doubt.
Coach: I think that because of the work both on and off the court, the way he led the team and the results we had with him, Gonzalo Vela is the one that has marked me the most.
Idol: When I started playing I did not even know who Jordan was, but I learned a lot from Kevin Durant watching his videos, so he is my idol.
A piece of advice to the new generations of Torrejoneros players:
The best advice I can give you is to trust in the work you do, in personal growth, that basketball is an activity that is done for pleasure and that is the most important thing of all to enjoy this sport.
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